Founded in 2025, this venture purely stemmed out of failures and learnings. Seeded by Ali Husnain and Madiha Ali, the life and soul partners, who are determined to nurture it like their own baby, Movie Insiderz conceptualized inside one room.
As Rowan Atkinson, aka Mr. Bean said, “Rejection is a big motivation”. After having faced numerous rejections in their own respective fields, and gained massive learnings from where they had worked, Ali and Madiha have decided to bring to the table their individual expertise through Movie Insiderz.
Ali specializes in all the technical areas of running a website while Madiha is laser-focused on providing you the best movie entertainment news out there.
Movie Insiderz is not about “news” only; it would be a boring fact-stating monotony. It is more about coverage of all of the best movie content around the world under our own magnifying glasses. It is OUR way of seeing things and putting fanaticism spice into the movie happenings of the world.
We guarantee “no geographical limitations” when we bring you the best movie discussions since we feel art has no boundaries. We are here with a mission: to highlight the endless sea of content that you find worth your time.
Why do we think it was necessary? Not only to fulfill our own unmet needs, which otherwise was a great way to discover our own passions, rather we believe our personal take on entertainment content would influence the way we all consume, value, and perceive content. It is a huge factor in shaping the content worldwide.
And for that matter, we aim to commence separate platforms for the conspicuous fandoms: Show Insiderz (covering the best series and seasons around the globe) and Fandom Byte (something to satiate your anime, comic, and Indie hankerings).
Follow us for more entertainment coverage on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
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Meet The Team
Ali Husnain

Ali Husnain has gained Web Development and SEO experience over the past ten years. He knows the ins and outs of running a website. He puts in his technical dexterity and cultivates the looks of a site. He ensures that the websites inherit a full and smooth running proficiency so that the readers get an immersive experience. It’s much more than optimizing, traffic acquiring, and creating engagement he’s responsible for. Apart from that, you’d find him obtaining more knowledge about SEO in his free time and staying updated with the new search engine trends and tactics.
Madiha Ali

Madiha Ali loves writing about entertainment and has an experience of more than five years in the said niche. She has previously written for Show Snob, Tea and Banter which were FanSided’s well-known websites, The Irish Insider, etc. Having a keen eye for a specific niche, she likes to write critically and sometimes infuse her personal reflection on how she felt about a show or movie. Apart from this, you can find her watching movies, seasons, reading other entertainment-related articles, and of course, loads and loads of books.